OSCP-Exam-Report-Template-Markdown - Markdown Templates For Offensive Security OSCP, OSWE, OSCE, OSEE, OSWP Exam Report
2 minute read
I created an Offensive Security Exam Report Template in Markdown so LaTeX, Microsoft Office Word, LibreOffice Writer are no longer needed during your Offensive Security OSCP, OSWE, OSCE, OSEE, OSWP exam!
Color sets
Available templates
Now you can be efficient and faster during your exam report redaction!
Speed up writing, don't lose time during the 24 hours of exam report redaction
No formatting hassle with WYSIWYG editors, byebye unwanted whitespaces and linefeeds from Microsoft Office Word and LibreOffice Writer
Re-use your Markdown notes, you'll be so glad not having to reformat the bold and italic from your Markdown notes into the report
Version control ready, save your markdown template into a PRIVATE git repository, you know have an incremental backup, version control works with Markdown (.md) as it's text but not with binaries (.doc, .odt)
Clean & professional style, a professional looking report for your professional certification
Error free, use the generation script to generate the report and archive, you won't do any submission format and name mistake that way
OSCP whoisflynn improved template v3.2
OSCP Official Offensive Security Template v1
- Pandoc
- LaTeX (eg. TeX Live) in order to get
- Eisvogel Pandoc LaTeX PDF Template
- p7zip (if you want to use the script, for generating the archive)
Examples for common distros:
- ArchLinux:
pacman -S texlive-most pandoc p7zip
- openSUSE:
zypper in texlive-scheme-medium pandoc p7zip-full
- Ubuntu:
apt install texlive-full pandoc p7zip-full
Write your report in markdown.
There is a script that will:
- Let you choose the template
- Let you choose the syntax highlight style
- Generate the PDF
- Generate the 7z archive
ruby generate.rb
Generate the report PDF from the markdown template:
pandoc src/OSCP-exam-report-template_whoisflynn_v3.2.md \
-o output/OSCP-OS-XXXXX-Exam-Report.pdf \
--from markdown+yaml_metadata_block+raw_html \
--template eisvogel \
--table-of-contents \
--toc-depth 6 \
--number-sections \
--top-level-division=chapter \
--highlight-style breezedark
You can change the code syntax highlight theme with --highlight-style
Color sets
Well rendering color sets you can use in the template YAML frontmatter:
titlepage-color | titlepage-text-color | titlepage-rule-color |
DC143C (Crimson) |
FFFFFF (White) |
FFFFFF (White) |
00FF7F (SpringGreen) |
006400 DarkGreen |
000000 (Black) |
1E90FF (DodgerBlue) |
FFFAFA (Snow) |
FFFAFA (Snow) |
483D8B (DarkSlateBlue) |
FFFAFA (Snow) |
FFFAFA (Snow) |
FFD700 (Gold) |
000000 (Black) |
000000 (Black) |
FFEFD5 (PapayaWhip) |
000000 (Black) |
000000 (Black) |
FF8C00 (DarkOrange) |
000000 (Black) |
000000 (Black) |
FFEF96 (no name) |
50394C (no name) |
50394C (no name) |
Available templates
Report Templates:
Report Templates:
- Official Offensive Security Template v1 (UNLICENSED)
- whoisflynn improved template v3.2 (UNLICENSED)
- Official Offensive Security Template v1 (UNLICENSED)
- noraj improved template v1 (UNLICENSED)
- Official Offensive Security Template v1 (UNLICENSED)
- Official Offensive Security Template v1 (UNLICENSED)
- Official Offensive Security Template v1 (UNLICENSED)
Pandoc Template:
Placeholder image:
- Generated by https://imgplaceholder.com/
via El pirata de San Jhony
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