DNSTake - A Fast Tool To Check Missing Hosted DNS Zones That Can Lead To Subdomain Takeover

A fast tool to check missing hosted DNS zones that can lead to subdomain takeover.

What is a DNS takeover?

DNS takeover vulnerabilities occur when a subdomain (subdomain.example.com) or domain has its authoritative nameserver set to a provider (e.g. AWS Route 53, Akamai, Microsoft Azure, etc.) but the hosted zone has been removed or deleted. Consequently, when making a request for DNS records the server responds with a SERVFAIL error. This allo ws an attacker to create the missing hosted zone on the service that was being used and thus control all DNS records for that (sub)domain.¹


from Binary

The ez way! You can download a pre-built binary from releases page, just unpack and run!

from Source
NOTE: Go 1.16+ compiler should be installed & configured!

Very quick & clean!

▶ go install github.com/pwnesia/dnstake/cmd/dnstake@latest

— or

Manual building executable from source code:

▶ git clone https://github.com/pwnesia/dnstake
▶ cd dnstake/cmd/dnstake
▶ go build .
▶ (sudo) mv dnstake /usr/local/bin

$ dnstake -h

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(c) pwnesia.org — v0.0.1

[stdin] | dnstake [options]
dnstake -t HOSTNAME [options]

-t, --target <HOST/FILE> Define single target host/list to check
-c, --concurrent <i> Set the concurrency level (default: 25)
-s, --silent Suppress errors and/or clean output
-h, --help Display its help

dnstake -t (sub.)domain.tld
dnstake -t hosts.txt
cat hosts.txt | dnstake
subfinder -silent -d domain.tld | dnstake


DNSTake use RetryableDNS client library to send DNS queries. Initial engagement using Google & Cloudflare DNS as the resolver, then check & fingerprinting the nameservers of target host — if there is one, it will resolving the target host again with its nameserver IPs as resolver, if it gets weird DNS status response (other than NOERROR/NXDOMAIN), then it's vulnerable to be taken over. More or less like this in form of a diagram.

Currently supported DNS providers, see here.



DNSTake is distributed under MIT. See LICENSE.

via El pirata de San Jhony
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