Reconky - A Great Content Discovery Bash Script For Bug Bounty Hunters Which Automate Lot Of Task And Organized It

Reconky is a script written in bash to automate the task of recon and information gathering.This Bash Script allows you to collect some information that will help you identify what to do next and where to look for the required target.


./ <>

  • It will Gathers Subdomains with assetfinder and Sublist3r
  • Duplex check for subdomains using amass
  • Enumerates subdomains on a target domain through dictionary attack using knockpy
  • searchs for alive domains using Httprobe
  • Investigates for feasible subdomain takeover
  • Scans for open ports using nmap
  • Pulls and Assembls all possible parameters found in wayback_url data
  • Pulls and compilis json/js/php/aspx/ files from wayback output
  • Runs eyewitness against all the compiled(alive) domains

Installation & Requirements


Authors and Thanks

This script makes use of tools developped by the following people

  • Cyber Mentor
  • Tom Hudson - Tomonomnom
  • Ahmed Aboul-Ela - Aboul3la
  • Gianni Amato
  • FortyNorth Security
  • Gordon Lyon

Note : this tool tested on the kali linux 2021.2 live image. If does not run kindly install all the tools manually described in that.So that directory problem will not occur and make sure all the tools can be run globally from any directory for that use symbolic link.

Happy Hunting

Note : Run with Caution. Pull Request and New Ideas Is Welcome.

via El pirata de San Jhony
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Este artículo esta patrocinado por Woodmex Studio