VX-API - Collection Of Various Malicious Functionality To Aid In Malware Development
2 minute read
The VX-API is a collection of malicious functionality to aid in malware development. It is recommended you clone and/or download this entire repo then open the Visual Studio solution file to easily explore functionality and concepts.
Some functions may be dependent on other functions present within the solution file. Using the solution file provided here will make it easier to identify which other functionality and/or header data is required.
You're free to use this in any manner you please. You do not need to use this entire solution for your malware proof-of-concepts or Red Team engagements. Strip, copy, paste, delete, or edit this projects contents as much as you'd like.
List of features
Function Name | Original Author |
AdfCloseHandleOnInvalidAddress | Checkpoint Research |
AdfIsCreateProcessDebugEventCodeSet | Checkpoint Research |
AdfOpenProcessOnCsrss | Checkpoint Research |
CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent2 | ReactOS |
IsDebuggerPresentEx | smelly__vx |
IsIntelHardwareBreakpointPresent | Checkpoint Research |
Cryptography Related
Function Name | Original Author |
HashStringDjb2 | Dan Bernstein |
HashStringFowlerNollVoVariant1a | Glenn Fowler, Landon Curt Noll, and Kiem-Phong Vo |
HashStringJenkinsOneAtATime32Bit | Bob Jenkins |
HashStringLoseLose | Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie |
HashStringRotr32 | T. Oshiba (1972) |
HashStringSdbm | Ozan Yigit |
HashStringSuperFastHash | Paul Hsieh |
HashStringUnknownGenericHash1A | Unknown |
HashStringSipHash | RistBS |
HashStringMurmur | RistBS |
CreateMd5HashFromFilePath | Microsoft |
CreatePseudoRandomInteger | Apple (c) 1999 |
CreatePseudoRandomString | smelly__vx |
HashFileByMsiFileHashTable | smelly__vx |
CreatePseudoRandomIntegerFromNtdll | smelly__vx |
LzMaximumCompressBuffer | smelly__vx |
LzMaximumDecompressBuffer | smelly__vx |
LzStandardCompressBuffer | smelly__vx |
LzStandardDecompressBuffer | smelly__vx |
XpressHuffMaximumCompressBuffer | smelly__vx |
XpressHuffMaximumDecompressBuffer | smelly__vx |
XpressHuffStandardCompressBuffer | smelly__vx |
XpressHuffStandardDecompressBuffer | smelly__vx |
XpressMaximumCompressBuffer | smelly__vx |
XpressMaximumDecompressBuffer | smelly__vx |
XpressStandardCompressBuffer | smelly__vx |
XpressStandardDecompressBuffer | smelly__vx |
ExtractFilesFromCabIntoTarget | smelly__vx |
Error Handling
Function Name | Original Author |
GetLastErrorFromTeb | smelly__vx |
GetLastNtStatusFromTeb | smelly__vx |
RtlNtStatusToDosErrorViaImport | ReactOS |
GetLastErrorFromTeb | smelly__vx |
SetLastErrorInTeb | smelly__vx |
SetLastNtStatusInTeb | smelly__vx |
Win32FromHResult | Raymond Chen |
Function Name | Original Author |
AmsiBypassViaPatternScan | ZeroMemoryEx |
DelayedExecutionExecuteOnDisplayOff | am0nsec and smelly__vx |
HookEngineRestoreHeapFree | rad9800 |
MasqueradePebAsExplorer | smelly__vx |
RemoveDllFromPeb | rad9800 |
RemoveRegisterDllNotification | Rad98, Peter Winter-Smith |
SleepObfuscationViaVirtualProtect | 5pider |
RtlSetBaseUnicodeCommandLine | TheWover |
Function Name | Original Author |
GetCurrentLocaleFromTeb | 3xp0rt |
GetNumberOfLinkedDlls | smelly__vx |
GetOsBuildNumberFromPeb | smelly__vx |
GetOsMajorVersionFromPeb | smelly__vx |
GetOsMinorVersionFromPeb | smelly__vx |
GetOsPlatformIdFromPeb | smelly__vx |
IsNvidiaGraphicsCardPresent | smelly__vx |
IsProcessRunning | smelly__vx |
IsProcessRunningAsAdmin | Vimal Shekar |
GetPidFromNtQuerySystemInformation | smelly__vx |
GetPidFromWindowsTerminalService | modexp |
GetPidFromWmiComInterface | aalimian and modexp |
GetPidFromEnumProcesses | smelly__vx |
GetPidFromPidBruteForcing | modexp |
GetPidFromNtQueryFileInformation | modexp, Lloyd Davies, Jonas Lyk |
GetPidFromPidBruteForcingExW | smelly__vx, LLoyd Davies, Jonas Lyk, modexp |
Helper Functions
Function Name | Original Author |
CreateLocalAppDataObjectPath | smelly__vx |
CreateWindowsObjectPath | smelly__vx |
GetCurrentDirectoryFromUserProcessParameters | smelly__vx |
GetCurrentProcessIdFromTeb | ReactOS |
GetCurrentUserSid | Giovanni Dicanio |
GetCurrentWindowTextFromUserProcessParameter | smelly__vx |
GetFileSizeFromPath | smelly__vx |
GetProcessHeapFromTeb | smelly__vx |
GetProcessPathFromLoaderLoadModule | smelly__vx |
GetProcessPathFromUserProcessParameters | smelly__vx |
GetSystemWindowsDirectory | Geoff Chappell |
IsPathValid | smelly__vx |
RecursiveFindFile | Luke |
SetProcessPrivilegeToken | Microsoft |
IsDllLoaded | smelly__vx |
TryLoadDllMultiMethod | smelly__vx |
CreateThreadAndWaitForCompletion | smelly__vx |
GetProcessBinaryNameFromHwndW | smelly__vx |
GetByteArrayFromFile | smelly__vx |
Ex_GetHandleOnDeviceHttpCommunication | x86matthew |
IsRegistryKeyValid | smelly__vx |
FastcallExecuteBinaryShellExecuteEx | smelly__vx |
GetCurrentProcessIdFromOffset | RistBS |
GetPeBaseAddress | smelly__vx |
LdrLoadGetProcedureAddress | c5pider |
IsPeSection | smelly__vx |
AddSectionToPeFile | smelly__vx |
WriteDataToPeSection | smelly__vx |
GetPeSectionSizeInByte | smelly__vx |
ReadDataFromPeSection | smelly__vx |
GetCurrentProcessNoForward | ReactOS |
GetCurrentThreadNoForward | ReactOS |
Library Loading
Function Name | Original Author |
GetKUserSharedData | Geoff Chappell |
GetModuleHandleEx2 | smelly__vx |
GetPeb | 29a |
GetPebFromTeb | ReactOS |
GetProcAddress | 29a Volume 2, c5pider |
GetProcAddressDjb2 | smelly__vx |
GetProcAddressFowlerNollVoVariant1a | smelly__vx |
GetProcAddressJenkinsOneAtATime32Bit | smelly__vx |
GetProcAddressLoseLose | smelly__vx |
GetProcAddressRotr32 | smelly__vx |
GetProcAddressSdbm | smelly__vx |
GetProcAddressSuperFastHash | smelly__vx |
GetProcAddressUnknownGenericHash1 | smelly__vx |
GetProcAddressSipHash | RistBS |
GetProcAddressMurmur | RistBS |
GetRtlUserProcessParameters | ReactOS |
GetTeb | ReactOS |
RtlLoadPeHeaders | smelly__vx |
ProxyWorkItemLoadLibrary | Rad98, Peter Winter-Smith |
ProxyRegisterWaitLoadLibrary | Rad98, Peter Winter-Smith |
Lsass Dumping
Function Name | Original Author |
MpfGetLsaPidFromServiceManager | modexp |
MpfGetLsaPidFromRegistry | modexp |
MpfGetLsaPidFromNamedPipe | modexp |
Network Connectivity
Function Name | Original Author |
UrlDownloadToFileSynchronous | Hans Passant |
ConvertIPv4IpAddressStructureToString | smelly__vx |
ConvertIPv4StringToUnsignedLong | smelly__vx |
SendIcmpEchoMessageToIPv4Host | smelly__vx |
ConvertIPv4IpAddressUnsignedLongToString | smelly__vx |
DnsGetDomainNameIPv4AddressAsString | smelly__vx |
DnsGetDomainNameIPv4AddressUnsignedLong | smelly__vx |
GetDomainNameFromUnsignedLongIPV4Address | smelly__vx |
GetDomainNameFromIPV4AddressAsString | smelly__vx |
Function Name | Original Author |
OleGetClipboardData | Microsoft |
MpfComVssDeleteShadowVolumeBackups | am0nsec |
MpfComModifyShortcutTarget | Unknown |
MpfComMonitorChromeSessionOnce | smelly__vx |
MpfExtractMaliciousPayloadFromZipFileNoPassword | Codu |
Process Creation
Function Name | Original Author |
CreateProcessFromIHxHelpPaneServer | James Forshaw |
CreateProcessFromIHxInteractiveUser | James Forshaw |
CreateProcessFromIShellDispatchInvoke | Mohamed Fakroud |
CreateProcessFromShellExecuteInExplorerProcess | Microsoft |
CreateProcessViaNtCreateUserProcess | CaptMeelo |
CreateProcessWithCfGuard | smelly__vx and Adam Chester |
CreateProcessByWindowsRHotKey | smelly__vx |
CreateProcessByWindowsRHotKeyEx | smelly__vx |
CreateProcessFromINFSectionInstallStringNoCab | smelly__vx |
CreateProcessFromINFSetupCommand | smelly__vx |
CreateProcessFromINFSectionInstallStringNoCab2 | smelly__vx |
CreateProcessFromIeFrameOpenUrl | smelly__vx |
CreateProcessFromPcwUtil | smelly__vx |
CreateProcessFromShdocVwOpenUrl | smelly__vx |
CreateProcessFromShell32ShellExecRun | smelly__vx |
MpfExecute64bitPeBinaryInMemoryFromByteArrayNoReloc | aaaddress1 |
CreateProcessFromWmiWin32_ProcessW | CIA |
CreateProcessFromZipfldrRouteCall | smelly__vx |
CreateProcessFromUrlFileProtocolHandler | smelly__vx |
CreateProcessFromUrlOpenUrl | smelly__vx |
CreateProcessFromMsHTMLW | smelly__vx |
Process Injection
Function Name | Original Author |
MpfPiControlInjection | SafeBreach Labs |
MpfPiQueueUserAPCViaAtomBomb | SafeBreach Labs |
MpfPiWriteProcessMemoryCreateRemoteThread | SafeBreach Labs |
MpfProcessInjectionViaProcessReflection | Deep Instinct |
Proxied Functions
Function Name | Original Author |
IeCreateFile | smelly__vx |
CopyFileViaSetupCopyFile | smelly__vx |
CreateFileFromDsCopyFromSharedFile | Jonas Lyk |
DeleteDirectoryAndSubDataViaDelNode | smelly__vx |
DeleteFileWithCreateFileFlag | smelly__vx |
IsProcessRunningAsAdmin2 | smelly__vx |
IeCreateDirectory | smelly__vx |
IeDeleteFile | smelly__vx |
IeFindFirstFile | smelly__vx |
IEGetFileAttributesEx | smelly__vx |
IeMoveFileEx | smelly__vx |
IeRemoveDirectory | smelly__vx |
Shellcode Execution
Function Name | Original Author |
MpfSceViaImmEnumInputContext | alfarom256, aahmad097 |
MpfSceViaCertFindChainInStore | alfarom256, aahmad097 |
MpfSceViaEnumPropsExW | alfarom256, aahmad097 |
MpfSceViaCreateThreadpoolWait | alfarom256, aahmad097 |
MpfSceViaCryptEnumOIDInfo | alfarom256, aahmad097 |
MpfSceViaDSA_EnumCallback | alfarom256, aahmad097 |
MpfSceViaCreateTimerQueueTimer | alfarom256, aahmad097 |
MpfSceViaEvtSubscribe | alfarom256, aahmad097 |
MpfSceViaFlsAlloc | alfarom256, aahmad097 |
MpfSceViaInitOnceExecuteOnce | alfarom256, aahmad097 |
MpfSceViaEnumChildWindows | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h |
MpfSceViaCDefFolderMenu_Create2 | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h |
MpfSceViaCertEnumSystemStore | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h |
MpfSceViaCertEnumSystemStoreLocation | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h |
MpfSceViaEnumDateFormatsW | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h |
MpfSceViaEnumDesktopWindows | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h |
MpfSceViaEnumDesktopsW | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h |
MpfSceViaEnumDirTreeW | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h |
MpfSceViaEnumDisplayMonitors | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h |
MpfSceViaEnumFontFamiliesExW | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h |
MpfSceViaEnumFontsW | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h |
MpfSceViaEnumLanguageGroupLocalesW | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h |
MpfSceViaEnumObjects | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h |
MpfSceViaEnumResourceTypesExW | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h |
MpfSceViaEnumSystemCodePagesW | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h |
MpfSceViaEnumSystemGeoID | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h |
MpfSceViaEnumSystemLanguageGroupsW | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h |
MpfSceViaEnumSystemLocalesEx | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h |
MpfSceViaEnumThreadWindows | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h |
MpfSceViaEnumTimeFormatsEx | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h |
MpfSceViaEnumUILanguagesW | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h |
MpfSceViaEnumWindowStationsW | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h |
MpfSceViaEnumWindows | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h |
MpfSceViaEnumerateLoadedModules64 | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h |
MpfSceViaK32EnumPageFilesW | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h |
MpfSceViaEnumPwrSchemes | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h |
MpfSceViaMessageBoxIndirectW | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h |
MpfSceViaChooseColorW | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h |
MpfSceViaClusWorkerCreate | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h |
MpfSceViaSymEnumProcesses | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h |
MpfSceViaImageGetDigestStream | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h |
MpfSceViaVerifierEnumerateResource | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h |
MpfSceViaSymEnumSourceFiles | alfarom256, aahmad097, wra7h |
String Manipulation
Function Name | Original Author |
ByteArrayToCharArray | smelly__vx |
CharArrayToByteArray | smelly__vx |
ShlwapiCharStringToWCharString | smelly__vx |
ShlwapiWCharStringToCharString | smelly__vx |
CharStringToWCharString | smelly__vx |
WCharStringToCharString | smelly__vx |
RtlInitEmptyUnicodeString | ReactOS |
RtlInitUnicodeString | ReactOS |
CaplockString | simonc |
CopyMemoryEx | ReactOS |
SecureStringCopy | Apple (c) 1999 |
StringCompare | Apple (c) 1999 |
StringConcat | Apple (c) 1999 |
StringCopy | Apple (c) 1999 |
StringFindSubstring | Apple (c) 1999 |
StringLength | Apple (c) 1999 |
StringLocateChar | Apple (c) 1999 |
StringRemoveSubstring | smelly__vx |
StringTerminateStringAtChar | smelly__vx |
StringToken | Apple (c) 1999 |
ZeroMemoryEx | ReactOS |
ConvertCharacterStringToIntegerUsingNtdll | smelly__vx |
MemoryFindMemory | KamilCuk |
UAC Bypass
Function Name | Original Author |
UacBypassFodHelperMethod | winscripting.blog |
Rad98 Hooking Engine
Function Name | Original Author |
InitHardwareBreakpointEngine | rad98 |
ShutdownHardwareBreakpointEngine | rad98 |
ExceptionHandlerCallbackRoutine | rad98 |
SetHardwareBreakpoint | rad98 |
InsertDescriptorEntry | rad98 |
RemoveDescriptorEntry | rad98 |
SnapshotInsertHardwareBreakpointHookIntoTargetThread | rad98 |
Generic Shellcode
Function Name | Original Author |
GenericShellcodeHelloWorldMessageBoxA | SafeBreach Labs |
GenericShellcodeHelloWorldMessageBoxAEbFbLoop | SafeBreach Labs |
GenericShellcodeOpenCalcExitThread | MsfVenom |
via El pirata de San Jhony
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