Wanderer - An Open-Source Process Injection Enumeration Tool Written In C#

Wanderer is an open-source program that collects information about running processes. This information includes the integrity level, the presence of the AMSI as a loaded module, whether it is running as 64-bit or 32-bit as well as the privilege level of the current process. This information is extremely helpful when building payloads catered to the ideal candidate for process injection.

This is a project that I started working on as I progressed through Offensive Security's PEN-300 course. One of my favorite modules from the course is the process injection & migration section which inspired me to be build a tool to help me be more efficient in during that activity. A special thanks goes out to ShadowKhan who provided valuable feedback which helped provide creative direction to make this utility visually appealing and enhanced its usability with suggested filtering capabilities.


Injection Enumeration >> https://ift.tt/4sx85Dw Usage: wanderer [target options] <value> [filter options] <value> [output options] <value> Target Options: -i, --id, Target a single or group of processes by their id number -n, --name, Target a single or group of processes by their name -c, --current, Target the current process and reveal the current privilege level -a, --all, Target every running process Filter Options: --include-denied, Include instances where process access is denied --exclude-32, Exclude instances where the process architecture is 32-bit --exclude-64, Exclude instances where the process architecture is 64-bit --exclude-amsiloaded, Exclude instances where amsi.dll is a loaded process module --exclude-amsiunloaded, Exclude instances where amsi is not loaded process module --exclude-integrity, Exclude instances where the process integrity level is a specific value Output Options: --output-nested, Output the results in a nested style view -q, --quiet, Do not output the banner Examples: Enumerate the process with id 12345 C:\> wanderer --id 12345 Enumerate all processes with the names process1 and processs2 C:\> wanderer --name process1,process2 Enumerate the current process privilege level C:\> wanderer --current Enumerate all 32-bit processes C:\wanderer --all --exclude-64 Enumerate all processes where is AMSI is loaded C:\> wanderer --all --exclude-amsiunloaded Enumerate all processes with the names pwsh,powershell,spotify and exclude instances where the integrity level is untrusted or low and exclude 32-bit processes C:\> wanderer --name pwsh,powershell,spotify --exclude-integrity untrusted,low --exclude-32" dir="auto">
PS C:\> .\wanderer.exe

>> Process Injection Enumeration
>> https://github.com/gh0x0st

Usage: wanderer [target options] <value> [filter options] <value> [output options] <value>

Target Options:

-i, --id, Target a single or group of processes by their id number
-n, --name, Target a single or group of processes by their name
-c, --current, Target the current process and reveal the current privilege level
-a, --all, Target every running process

Filter Options:

--include-denied, Include instances where process access is denied
--exclude-32, Exclude instances where the process architecture is 32-bit
--exclude-64, Exclude instances where the process architecture is 64-bit
--exclude-amsiloaded, Exclude instances where amsi.dll is a loaded proces s module
--exclude-amsiunloaded, Exclude instances where amsi is not loaded process module
--exclude-integrity, Exclude instances where the process integrity level is a specific value

Output Options:

--output-nested, Output the results in a nested style view
-q, --quiet, Do not output the banner


Enumerate the process with id 12345
C:\> wanderer --id 12345

Enumerate all processes with the names process1 and processs2
C:\> wanderer --name process1,process2

Enumerate the current process privilege level
C:\> wanderer --current

Enumerate all 32-bit processes
C:\wanderer --all --exclude-64

Enumerate all processes where is AMSI is loaded
C:\> wanderer --all --exclude-amsiunloaded

Enumerate all processes with the names pwsh,powershell,spotify and exclude instances where the integrity level is untrusted or low and exclude 32-bit processes
C:\> wanderer --name pwsh,powershell,spotify --exclude-integrity untrusted,low --exclude-32


Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

Example 4

Example 5

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